Apostle Alphonse Okossi preaching on the First Sunday Service of new month of June. Apostle Okossi preached on the powerful, profound Scripture New Testament MATTHEW 25: 1 - 13 THE PARABLE OF THE 10 VIRGINS. Apostle Okossi launched into his sermon by noting there were 10 Virgins. Five of the Virgins were Wise. Five of the others were not Wise. Apostle Okossi preached that we, like the Virgins, are the Brides In Christ. We always have to be ready, keeping the oil in our lamps full. Apostle Okossi laid out the scripture by explaining that the OIL is THE HOLY SPIRIT. THE LAMP IS THE WORLD. Apostle Okossi preached that 50 percent of the Virgins were wise and ready to meet Christ, while the other half were not wise, and unprepared. Apostle Okossi compared the situation to the situation of today in which half the world is not wise, and unprepared to to meet Christ of Savior. "The Foolish Virgins took no oil with them. You have to learn how to rely on the Holy Spirit," Apostle Okossi preached. "We have to prepare our hearts and minds for what GOD has for us. Trust In the Lord with all your heart. Rely on God in every area of your life. ALWAYS BE READY," Apostle Okossi stated. Apostle Okossi reminded the Church that God is able to take care of all of his children, even in the Wilderness. Apostle Okossi told the congregation that when the children of Israel was in the Wilderness 40 years, God made sure they ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner each and every day. God provided for 2 Million people in the Wilderness at that time. We can always rely on God. "Our counselor is the Holy Spirit. Rely on the Word. Everything we do we submit to God. We need the Holy Spirit and the Word of God God is omnipotent," Apostle Okossi preached. The Apostle reminded the Church of how God is the creator, and designer of the entire universe and all things in it. "There is no Big Bang. God has designed each one of us and written a unique DNA code. This just did not happen naturally."

AMEN What A Mighty God We Serve

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