Apostle Alphonse Okossi delivered the main WORD during CLFC Sunday service. The subject of Apostle Okossi's exhortation was: DESTINY AND JUDGMENT

"God's judgment is something we don't like. We want God to bless, bless, bless us," Apostle Okossi preached. The Apostle referenced Scripture MATTHEW 22:14: For Many Are Called but Few are Chosen" Apostle Okossi laid out his sermon quoting Scripture MATTHEW 25: 14 to 30. The Parable of the Talents. "The Master is God," Apostle Okossi explained to the Church. "All of us have at lease one gift. You will be judged by what you do with God's talents," the Apostle preached. "God gives us talents for what He wants us to do," he explained. "But we are not to use our gift for selfish purposes." Apostle Okossi preached that God is harsh on those who do nothing for the Kingdom with their talents, but keep it for themselves, just like the man in the Scripture who buried his talent, and did nothing with it. The Master called him a wicked servant and condemned him to a life of misery. "God expects us to bring more people with us for salvation and not just ourselves," Apostle Okossi preached. "What ever God blesses us with we have to bring it back to God with interest. Faith without works is dead. We will be judged according to our works," Apostle Okossi preached. "God can call you to be a business man, CEO, a Prime Minister of a country like Joseph. But don't be selfish with your blessings, or you will not see the hand of God working in your life. Seek God always, fast, pray, and you will see God."

AMEN Blessed be His Mighty Name

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