Pastor Dali opened his Sermon Sunday titled PROVING GOD by referencing the scripture 1 Thesssalonians 5: 21 PROVE ALL THINGS, HOLD FAST THAT WHICH IS GOOD. Next, Pastor Dali referenced the scripture Psalm 26:2, where David calls on God to "Test Me, Prove Me, Put Me on Trial, Try Me. Pastor Dali then reminded the Church that our God is a good God who we can trust no matter what situation we face. Pastor Dali said God, like David, calls upon us to Test Me, Prove Me, Put Me on Trial, Try Me. We can test God in the Lord's Courtroom to prove he is everything the Word in the Bible says HE is. We can act as our own Lawyer and state our case before GOD, telling him what we want him to do for us and why. We go to him and tell him why we need healing, and why we want him to prosper us. Pastor Dali said that God wants us to stand on our faith and testify our case. Pastor Dali stated that God even wants us to challenge him, and give him space to manifest who he says he is. We are to come before God and boldly test him, prove him, try him, to see that his Word and Promise are true. Pastor Dali preached that were are to go before God I proclaim "I AM YOUR CHILD". "I HONOR YOUR WORD" "I SERVE YOU EVERYDAY" Therefore, we have a right to come before the Court of God, and challenge God, and defend our case based on the Word Of God. Pastor Dali stated that were are to come before the Lord and present our case for healing, a job, prosperity, without fear. The Pastor preached that when we are sick, Go To Jesus Boldly, and state your case for healing. Pastor Dali reminded the Church what Jesus said regarding healing: "LET IT BE DONE UNTO YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH."
Amen in Jesus Mighty Name.