Minister Gary's Bible Lesson was based on the Scripture "PARABLE OF THE TALENTS" Mathew 25: 14-30, which he taught at Sunday's pre-Sermon service at Calvary Living Faith Church Nov. 25, 2018. Minister Gary explained that the 'Talent' in the scripture referred to a certain amount of money. The parable's theme is that God has entrusted each of us things to be used for his Kingdom and Glory that we will be accountable for. The Parable of the Talents centers on a very rich master or lord who has 3 servants. The Master gave each of them Talents. The first got 5 Talents. The second got 2 Talents. The third servant got 1 talent. In researching the subject matter, Minister Gary determined one Talent represented a bag of Gold worth approximately $500,000. The Master left them and went of a long trip. Some time later the Master returned for an accounting of the money he had entrusted
them with. The first servant took his 5 Talent and earned 5 more Talents. His 5 talents were initially worth $2.5 million . So, he basically earned a 100 percent profit by gaining a total of $5 million by doubling the 5 Talents. The second servant also earned a 100 percent profit on his 2 Talents initially worth $1 million. He now made $2 million. The Master was proud of them both, and called them his Good And Faithful Servants for extraordinary profit they earned. Now, the third servant did nothing with his initial 1 Talent worth $500,000. He took it and dug a hole in the ground and buried it. He earned ZER0 profit. The Master was very angry with him, calling him a "Wicked And Slothful Servant!! The Master took his 1 Talent and gave it to the first servant who had 10 Talents. The Master then cast the unfaithful servant into utter darkness with eternal weeping and gnashing of his teeth. Some may question the harshness of his Master's actions, given the fact the servant did not steal any of the money, and returned the entire $500,000 his master entrusted him with. So, what harm did this servant do that angered his Master so much? Well, this servant was lazy, unproductive, and did nothing profitable with what his Master entrusted in his care. The servant made excuses and blamed his Master for his not doing anything with the money. In this Lesson, the MASTER is Jesus Christ, and we are all his Servants. So, let us always work hard no matter how little God gives us, be it in the area of praying, evangelizing, or serving God. Beloved, we are in the Kingdom of God to work hard and conduct profitable business for the Glory of God. Let us strive to work hard serving the Lord, in order that when Jesus comes to us for an accounting of what we did with the Talents he blessed us with, Christ will smile with joy and tell us "WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT"! Amen, in Jesus might name.