Pastor Lezou Dali presented the main Sermon at Calvary Living Faith Church in Harlem Sunday Nov. 25, 2018. Pastor Dali continued his message from last Sunday's service entitled: THE LIVING GOD IS KEY TO LIFE. Pastor Dali preached to the congregation that the KEY TO LIFE is to always be in agreement with GOD. Pastor Dali referenced Adam & Eve as his example of his thesis. Pastor Dali reminded his congregation that Adam & Eve were living totally in agreement with GOD until the day Satan came and used deception to bring them out of working fellowship with God. Pastor Dali preached that Agreement can be either good or bad for us. Agreement can either work for us or against us, Pastor Dali said. The Pastor called on the congregation to always be in agreement with God, and not in agreement with what a Doctor tells us regarding Healing. Pastor Dali preached that if we are in agreement with a bad report from the Doctor regarding healing, we can not expect to be healed, because we give power to the Doctor, and our situation will only be worse. Pastor Dali reminded us that Jesus Christ was always in agreement with His Father GOD, when Christ said HE will always do what the Father tells him to do. Jesus is in complete agreement with GOD, Pastor Dali said, adding that there is power in Agreement with God. Pastor Dali went to Scripture Genesis 17: 4-5 to illustrate his point. The Bible says: “4: As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. 5: No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations”. Pastor Dali explained that GOD said he wanted to be in agreement with Abram, to make him a Father of all Nations by giving him a new name Abraham. Pastor Dali said Abram made his choice to be in total agreement with GOD. When God started calling him Abraham, he became powerful in faith and believed it. When people began calling him Abraham , Father of all Nations, he became more powerful believing all that God had promised him, even at his old age of 80 years old. Abraham had great faith to believe he could be a father at age 99 years old. Pastor Dali then drove home his message application to the congregation. Pastor Dali told them that if GOD says to you that "You Are Healed", We must believe and be in total agreement with GOD, and begin calling ourselves HEALED!
"I AM HEALED!!" Glory be to God! If you want a job, believe that you have a job because Jesus has promised it. Pastor Dali reminded the church that we are serving the same mighty GOD that Abraham served. Pastor Dali then went to the Bible for scripture ROMANS 4: 17. God calls things in existence, which don't exist. When God said LET THERE BE LIGHT, the Light did not exist, but God called it into existence. Pastor Dali concluded by calling on the church to never become weak in Faith, and to always stay in agreement with the WORD OF GOD. "Let the WORD of GOD rule our life," Pastor Dali said. "Let the Word of God take over out life" Pastor Dali told the church that we must ask God for forgiveness if one is not in agreement with GOD. That we must have a new beginning with GOD. AMEN