Missions Ghana West Africa International missions can be scary. In 2007, I experienced my first short-term missions trip to Ghana, West. Africa. It was an extremely challenging yet rewarding experience for me. There were some physical and emotional challenges (i.e. Jet lag, sleepless nights, not drinking enough water, dry eye syndrome, anxiety, all kinds of stressors, etc. . .) as well as cultural ones (shock). Join me as I take you on an awesome and scary journey into an amazing place and time - Ghana West Africa - through the lens of this novice. Below is a photo of one of the jets of the flight (there were 2), there was so much excitement in our team of short-term missionaries. Following are reflections from this experience.
Reflections The highlight of the 2007 trip, for me, was the visit to the hospital. As background, it is a custom and practice, at that particular hospital, for women who cannot pay their bills to be detained until their bills are paid. The hospital does not feed them, but the women rely upon family and friends to provide their food. On this trip, there was a woman, who lost her child, that had been there for 218 days. The other six (6) women and their babies had been there well over one hundred (100) days each. Can you imagine a child being raised in that type of hospital environment? You should have seen their faces as they did not know that we were coming, let alone that they would be going home to their families! I captured some of their expressions, but it was heart wrenching to say the least. There was not a dry eye in the entire room! It was truly a blessing to be apart of the plan of God in the lives of the seven(7) women and six(6) babies (one transitioned) who went home to their families as a result of our paying their bills (~$4K USD) and providing them with monies for transportation. I praise God for the team and the people who gave specifically for that cause. As I went with the other team members to one of the maternity floors of the hospital, I was truly overwhelmed with the level of condition of the facility and that of the women. However, the expressions on the faces of those women spoke very loud and clear to me! The compassion and comfort of God came forth in me like never before. All that I have experienced in my life and ministry (interceding for family and friends, chaplaincy at Good Samaritan, pasturing, etc.) was for that day. Jesus was glorified in me that day! We gave personal hygiene gifts to the new mothers and an outfit for their babies that were donated by the team and other persons. We prayed for each of them including those who were awaiting delivery and those who had lost their babies. My other experiences were so very enlightening and included seeing the places and faces as we traveled from destination to destination, being on the Ghana soil and ocean shores, interacting with the people such as the ladies at the conference, hotel staff, bus driver, and the African staff of the ministry, going to the market and shopping at the Art Center (a type of outdoor/indoor composite of shops). The latter was an interesting experience of negotiating - I had fun. In addition, the African ministry team was so welcoming and supportive. Read more here: http://hubpages.com/hub/MissionInGhanaRead more…