According to a well known author Mark Virkler,
"There are six qualities which a spiritual advisor needs to possess. It must be said that believers or spiritual leaders must be supervised and mentored by at least two advisors. The six qualities are:
A. That your advisor be a good friend who you can talk to and have an open trusting and trustworthy relationship with.
B. That your advisor has a strong and comprehensive Biblical orientation.
C. That your advisor receives words, visions and walks in the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
D. That your advisor has a commitment to people under his or her pastoral care.
E. That your advisor receives counsel from others as you do.
F. That your advisor be ahead of you in an area in which you wish to learn about and grow into."
Be weary of human covering, people who use their authority to control your life are nether your friends nor can they qualify to be your spiritual advisors let alone covering. Only Christ can truly cover, therefore if someone is "over you" they must show evidence of their submition to Christ.
There are many teachers in local churches but not many fathers. Fathers are those who satisfy these six conditions for spiritual advisory. fathers are more concerned with the growth of their children. Good parents pour into their children, they sacrifice resources for the children's growth. They don't consider their children as investments but as those who would carry on a legacy, an inheritance. Inheritance meaning that the father (or parents) must leave something for the children to build on. A good father is also patient with a growing children who tend to make mistakes as they grow. Sometimes the child may run away from home or say something stupid. Don't curse your children but rather give them room to grow.
For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 1 Corinthians 4:15 (KJV)
Be a father to a growing believer.
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