Minister Gary Raynaldo conducted the Bible Study at Calvary Living Faith Church Sunday service Apr. 14, 2019. The Lesson was titled: SPIRITUAL POWER FAILURE
Minister Gary explained that in a power failure, everything shuts down. There is total chaos. All of the lights are out, no electricity to power television, computers, fridge, etc. When there is a power failure in the natural world, everything comes to a standstill. The entire city is in a black out, darkness as a result.
In the spiritual world, the same thing happens when there is a SPIRITUAL POWER FAILURE, Minister Gary stated. The flow of spiritual power stops. Spiritual progress comes to a standstill. We will be in spiritual darkness. People's lives can not be changed or impacted; sick people will not be healed; and Satan will have control over the ministry and the lives of church members because demons can not be cast out when there is a Spiritual Power failure. Minister Gary taught that there are two major sources of Spiritual Power failure: SIN and UNBELIEF.
The Minister referenced Scripture MATTHEW 13:58 : And HE DID NOT many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
And MARK 6: 5-6: HE COULD DO THERE NO MIGHTY WORKS, save that he laid hand on a few sick folk and healed them; AND HE marveled because of their UNBELIEF."
Jesus did not do mighty works or great miracles because of the people's unbelief, which shut down the flow of Jesus' Spiritual Power. Minister Gary taught how the Roman Centurion's great belief in the power of Jesus when he sought out Jesus to heal his sick servant. Jesus performed a great and mighty miracle and healed his servant immediately, because of the master's strong belief in Jesus. Minister Gary then referenced Scripture ACTS 19: 13-16, of the failure of certain Jewish priests to cast out demons in demonic possessed man.
"13: But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to name over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.” 14: Seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15: And the evil spirit answered and said to them, “I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” 16: And the man, in whom was the evil spirit, leaped on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded."
Minister Gary told the Church that in order to manifest Jesus' mighty spiritual power, your name must be known in Hell. The demons laughed at them, telling them the knew the name of Jesus, and the name of Apostle Paul, but did not know them. The certain Jews did not have true Holy Ghost power, because there were still living in sin and unbelief by not accepting Jesus as their saviour. SIN separates us from God, and no amount of money or power in the natural world can give us the great gift of the power of the Holy Ghost. Minister Gary referenced Scripture ACTS 8: 18-22 where Simon thought he could purchase the Holy Ghost. Minister Gary taught that there is no limit to God's mighty Spiritual Power. So let us constantly be on guard to prevent a Spiritual Power failure in our lives as Christians. Do not ever allow SIN and UNBELIEF to separate you from the might Spiritual Power of GOD.
AMEN Blessed Be HIS Mighty Name JESUS