This group is for people who have been called to go into the world, train and support people in our mission fields. Please see the Indian picture album in this site to see what the Lord isa doing there.
3 Members
CHENNAI, INDIA MISSION FIELD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEEDS
1.Church Planting Ministry
2. Lepers ministry & feeding program,
3. Hill Tribal Ministry (Ministry among Tribals)
4. Children’s Home for Orphans & Semi-Orphans
5. Pastors Conference & Seminars
6. Crusades & Campaigns
7. Children ministry
8. Women ministry
9. Youth Ministry
10. Helping the needy like Old age people, widows, destitute women, education for poor students and so on.
Our Ministry Needs:
1. Urgently we need a Van for our ministry to take the Gospel to the interior villages where there is no single church and no bus facilities and no transportation facilities. We need US $ 14000 to buy a Van to run in the rough terrains.
2. We need a monthly financial support for our village church pastors those who are laboring in the interior villages where there is no single church. Each village church pastor needs US $ 100 per month. We have 18 village church pastors laboring in the interior villages.
3. We need a monthly financial support for our Orphan Children’s Home. We are providing shelter, food, clothing, education, medical and all the basic facilities. Each Child needs US $ 30 per month. We need monthly support for 25 children in our Orphan Children’s Home.
4. We need a monthly financial support for the Lepers ministry and the feeding program. The Lepers are neglected by our society and they live in the interior villages. There is no job and income for them. We are providing Rice, Clothes, Bed sheets, Medicines and the basic needs for our dear lepers. We are preaching the gospel to our dear lepers and they are worshipping our almighty God every Sunday. We need a monthly support US $ 600 for the lepers ministry and the feeding program.
5. We need a monthly financial support for the Hill Tribal ministry. We are doing ministry among the tribals those who are uncivilized and illiterates. The Hill Tribals don’t cover their body fully with the proper clothes including women. We are conducting education for the adults as well as for the little children in the hills for the tribals. Through this education we are preaching the gospel to the hill tribals. There is no proper school in the hills. We need monthly support US $ 500 for the hill tribal ministries.
6. We are helping the needy people like old age people those who were thrown from their own family and no one to take care of them. We are helping the destitute women, widows, education for the poor children in the villages and slums and for the physically handicapped. We need a monthly financial support US $ 900 to help the needy people.
7. Our village churches are made up of Thatched Sheds. In this sheds only our village church believers worship our almighty God. So, due to heavy rain, storm and wind, our thatched sheds falling in the floor and it is completely damaged. In some village churches, the thatched sheds are open in the top and the rain water is flowing inside the church. The village church believers are keeping Umbrellas and sitting in the church and worshipping our almighty God. So, we need a permanent building for our village churches. To build a permanent building for the church in a village needs US $ 12000
8. We need a monthly financial support for my family. My daughter Esther Joanna is studying in the School and I have to pay the fees every month. Moreover, I have to pay the House Rent, Electricity Bill, Water Charges and for food and so on. So, every month we need US $ 200 for my family.
I am humbly submitting our monthly financial needs for our mission work in India. My dear beloved pastors, brothers and sisters, please stretch forth your hand and help our ministries by financially every month. My dear beloved Pastor Alphonse Okossi, we are daily praying for you, your family, church and ministries in our prayers. Please continually pray for our family and ministries which we are doing in India.
Closing with much Prayers.
Please support Rev Prince ministry activities in India. You may do so with your continual intercession prayers and your financial participation as the Lord leads you.
What can we do to help this call of Jesus:
(a). you can commit to pray daily for this ministry that God's purpose and kingdom be established in Rev Prince's area of intervention. Pray specifically for God's protection of him, his family and all the believers in his area.
(b) you can commit to give an amount of money on a regular basis to this ministry. They are currently in need of a truck to go into remote villages to evangelize. They also will need some building funds as well as some love offering for the family. You may send your mission offerings to:
PromiseLand Empowerment Network, Inc
PO Box 7875
Romeoville IL 60446
If you reside in the USA we will send you a donation receipt for to get tax deduction since we are a 501(C)3. Please make sure you indicate on your check or money order the destination (Mission Works Support in India). You may also donate online through this website by going to the Donate page. All the information is public because we hold ourselves at a higher standard of integrity.
You need to be a member of Promiseland Empowerment Network, Inc to add comments!
Also for India we are requesting your support to assist Rev Prince to evangelise remote villages in India. He absolutely will need a VAN or SUV appropriate for rough terrains.
This is the more urgent and immediate need, so please donate toward this end first.
Remember my commands and obey them:Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and…
This is the more urgent and immediate need, so please donate toward this end first.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Dr Alphonse Okossi