If we were to do a general survey or assessment of the life, ministry, and death of Jesus, the CHRIST, we would find a pattern of purposeful precision, and willful intent in everything concerning His presence on the earth, before, the earth, and the promise of, after the earth. The Bible states it as "In the beginning WAS THE WORD, and THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, and THE WORD WAS GOD, was made "flesh", and dwelt among us. This is a very concise and clear dissertation on the testimoy of Jesus, the Christ, and it reveals that nothing about His existence was happenstance, by chance, incidental, or accidental, even His betrayal, persecution, subsequent executuon, three day "retreat" in hell, or His ascension, back into the heavens, where the earth is once again,His footstool. When the Holy Spirit "came upon" the Virgin Mary for the most intimate of "fellowships", it was done with premeditation, predetermination, and as the fulfillment of God's predestined will, so it's safe to say that She experienced the ultimate intimacy with God, with "extreme prejudice"! There were, back in those days, (THANK GOD!) many, many, young virgins of the age of fourteen, but none of them were chosen, and I'm sure that the Spirit of God bypassed multitudes of young virgins, just to get to the one called "Mary", espoused or engaged to a man named Joseph of the house of David, because He was "biased" in His choice of her, according to the sovereignty of His will, and according to His good pleasure. Our patriarch, and the predecessor of the Very Saviour, Himself, David, was also selected, with extreme prejudice, to be king of Judah, even though he was an unlikely, and an unorthodox choice in the minds of many. There was such extreme prejudice involved in appointing him as king, that everyone of his, more practical choices for king brothers, were brought before Samuel, and they were rejected and dismissed,one by one, because God had already made His choice and it was unnegotiatable, way back when darkness covered everything! Queen Esther was chosen as successor to the throne, next to her king, with extreme prejudice, even though there were, certainly hundreds of young ladies more beautiful, with more beguiling looks and figures, who were more skilled in a number of areas, who were from far more affluent backgrounds, and who, quite possibly, better suited, but she was the Sovereign God's selection to fufill a particular "expected end"!Keeping all these facts and references in mind, one should get a better, and unmistakable understanding of the concept of "extreme prejudice"! Everything pertaining to Christ was done by, and with, extreme prejudice. HE WAS PURSUED AS A NEWBORN INFANT, WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE, and a "hit" was put out on Him, while still nursing at His Mother's breast, innocent and defenseless, with extreme prejudice. This "hit" could be compared to those used by certain criminal groups and alliances now, when some unfortunate soul makes the grave error of "crossing them", and a command is sometimes issued "dead or alive", while others are more precise and deadly "I want them dead or executed, by any means neccessary!" Certain criminals who commit unspeakably horrendous crimes are doomed to a verdict of being "tried with extreme prejudiced, and executed by the state or government in like manner. That being noted, it would stand to reason that there are certain things,while in the sevice of the Lord, that we should do "with extreme prejudice"! We should "shun hell" with extreme prejudice! We should eschew sin, and disobedience to God, with extreme prejudice! We should daily examine ourselves, to see' if we be in the faith", with extreme prejudice! We should bear a burden for the lost, wounded, helpless and the hopeless, with extreme prejudice! Our soukls should "seek to please Him, with extreme prejudice! We should daily, work out our own salvation in fear, and in trembling, with extreme prejudice! We should make an irrevokable determination and covenant vow to demonstrate the character and agape' love of God, especially to our enemies, with extreme prejudice! We should sow seeds of natural substance,, and our spiritual giftings, being sure to consecrate them so tht they not be offered up and received by God, as 'strange fire", with extreme prejudice. The Bible says that we should serve the Lord with all of our 'might', and this is , extreme prejudice!Out of all that we can do, and should do for the Lord, those things that are not done as a "favor" to Him, but are our reasonable service, the most relevant and acceptable demonstrations of our genuine gratitude to Him that we can offer up, is to worship Him, and to declare His works unto men without restraint, and with fervor, passion, and zeal. Our surrender, submission, and broken acknowledgement of all that He has selflessly, and sacrificially done for us, should be demonstrated with deliberate, intentional, "on purpose, and extreme prejudice! When He was brutally, and hostily beaten until the flesh hung from His bones, it was done with extreme prejudice! When His innocent life was demanded to pacify "out of control", religious "church folk", it was done strategically, with extreme prejudice! When He was forced to carry a cross that probably weighed as much as He did, in a near fatally wounded condition, it was done with intentional malice and wickedness, and with extreme prejudice! When He was paraded through the city, in humiliation, acording to the perceptions of foolish men, it wasn't done impetously, or on an impulse, but with extreme prejudice! When those spikes were hammered into the unprotected tenderness of His hands and feet, and the sword was ruthlesly thrust into His side, it was with extreme prejudice! When they offered a viciously abused, fevered, and dehydrated, near death Man, the bitterness of a sip of vinegar, to add further insult, and suffering to the Lamb of God, t was with the utmost, extreme prejudice! When we look into His Holiness, and meditate on the absolute perfection of His lve, and kindness towards us, we should not render a "hit and miss?", superficial, distracted or rehearsed worship, but we owe it to Him to worship Him with extreme prejudice! We should align our minds, hearts, spirits, and soul, with His very heart beat, while dismissing the thougt of anybody and anything else, and deliberately, with our minds stayed and fixed on theGod of our Salvation,and press beyond the regular, the ordinary, and the routine, and worship Him with extreme prejudice! We should approach the realm of worship with "attitude" that serves the devil and the saints notice that you are on a mission, with a singlemindedness, and radical resolve to not allow the provocation,or maneuverings of ANYBODY to prohibit you from blessing and exalting the "onlyise God, ith extreme prejudice! You owe it to yourself and unto the Lord to let the record show that your intent and purpse is not to "big up", or show adulation for the awesomeness of the praise team or the psalmists, the powerfulness of the preacher, or anything else that 'flesh" may have on the agenda, because you laid down at night, got up in the a.m., and determined throughout the mid-day, to submit and render up unto God a pure, unflavored, uninhibited, unrehearsed, unashamed, and blemishless offering of "maranatha" worship with extreme prejudice! When He looked down and upon you from the cross, He was at peace with His humbly carried out destiny and bitter-sweet assignment, having obeyed the Abba Father, even unto death, He saw your years of rebellion, transgressions, sins, and rejection of Him, the unappreciativeness of, and indifference towards the shedding of His blood, and still decided and determined to stay upon the cross, and make a way of escape for you, from the destruction to come, with extreme prejudice!Tags:Share
While it is night, we must therefore do the work for which He has called us, given the prejudice He has suffered for us. Let us therefore be stedfast, pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God. Let's consider ourselves priviledged to be among His service ( and not ours =))