Lately these words seem to be repeated in my mind in an alarming rythm: "apathy,apostasy, hypocrisy and deception", surely the love of many believers are growing cold, many believe only mentally and do not do anything to live their Christian faith on a day to day basis. Many well meaning servants of God talk about faith as if it were something we should NOT rely on and living a life different from what they preach, some are using biblical techniques to build their own kingdom rather than God's, we see more a "form of godliness, but denying the power thereoff". What as a serious God fearing believers can we do to escape these dangerous viruses ( of
apathy, apostasy, hypocrisy and deception) in our personal lives and churches in this time? There are more to this so I hope you remnants of this generation have some Spirit led counsel for all who are asking those questions seeking to abide and be in the will of God.