Over the past couple of decades the themes of 'SONSHIP", "RELATIONSHIP", AND "DIVINE CONNECTION", have become quite popular, and within the intended manifestation of these principles of relating "as one", fitly joined, and dynamically unified corporate entity, they are all limitless in potential, impact, power and effectiveness. Unfortunately, as with most emerging spiritual "movements',spiritual resurgences of kingdom interest, and visitations, they have fallen short and become perverted in purpose, and even shorter and more lacking in fulfilling their mandate to exemplify the kingdom of heaven here on earth. The very concept of a viable, thriving, healthy, and correctly functioning , mutually edifying and supportive collaboration between the Church hierarchy, Senior/elder leaders, ministries, and associations is awesome when viewed by the purity of it's original assignment, but in present day reality, it has gone "south", much like it's predecessors, because the enemy is present in the birthing room of every advancement that the Lord establishes, so that he can stretch forth his vile and perverse hands to alter, cripple, paralyze, and suffocate it before it can stand tall and powerful, like a tree planted by the rivers of water. There have been a number of God's people with great destinies who were victimized by, or who entered foolishly into these arrangements, who foresook ministry all together. When the principle of "spiritual "sonship" and "fathering" was reawakened some years ago, there was a rush for those seeking spiritual parenting, to yoke up with established, "prosperous' ministries by those who were novices in their ministries, with very little waiting before God to receive direction, directives, confirmation, or His endorsement that this was the move to make, or a release to move on it. Consequently, many were wounded, disillusioned, confused, embittered stalled in momentum, and reluctant, or undesiring to even continue on in ministry. During the same time, a great influx of "Fathering/mothering" exploded upon the Church scene, in which many "elder/statesmen/women' began to seek out budding ministries and kingdom leaders, and approach them with offers to "cover" or parent them, and often, these seasoned leaders were preying upon those struggling to establish firm foundations and the anchoring of their vision, and they were no more than opportunists, merchandisers, and enticers who had selfish motives and plans to gain "increase", and financial prosperity. In genuine kingdom relationships of "sonship" and "fathering", there is an exchange of blessings, and the spiritual parennts sow into the lives and ministries of those whom thry have the oversight over, just as the spiritual "sons/daughters" bless them! Even sadder was that all these things were done under the guise of "RELATIONSHIP", when in fact they were just convenient connections, much like the "networking"/hustling that goes on in boardrooms and golf links throughout the world , over shots of Hennesy" and martinis, where anything goes, and there's much wheeling and dealing, as long as everbody gets what they want, with no thoughts of morality,, spiritual ethics, conscious, or consideration of the possible backlash."RELATIONSHIP" is always established on the principle of "covenant' in which there are mutual agreements to be mutually accountable, mutual respect, consideration, support, and assistance, when needed or possible. In all "relationships" there's mutual "giving, as between natural fathers and mothers and their offspring ( the parents provide for the needs of the children, discipline, guidance,safety, support, instruction, affirmation,counsel and love); and the son/daughter provides respect, joy, and submission, and as they mature, they then begin to provide support, companionship, and even provide for the needs of the parents as they age, in many cases). In the "relationships" between husbands and wives, the husband provides "covering', protection, counsel, companionship, friendship, intimate fulfillment, and he provides for her physical needs, and in turn the wife provides a home, support, the care of his personal needs, support, companionship, friendship, and unconditional spiritual/filial love. In the relationship between 'friends", taking into consideration that there are many tiers of friendship, they, mutually, provide camaraderie, listening ears, support, affirmation, counsel, trust, and love. There are definitive standards that can be used to measure the depth, validity and confirmation of relationships, especially within the kingdom of God, and it is when these standards are not met, or when they come up short, that relationships head in the direction of dysfunctionalism, malfunction, perversion, and being "none" or "counter productive"! The malfunctioning of relationships has existed since Adam compromised his relationship as the "spiritual head" with Eve, and when she left his counsel and protection to receive the counsel of a rattlesnake, and they both perverted and revoked their covenant relationship with God through following after the voice of another. Jezebel perverted her relationship with Ahab when she began to govern their home/lives and disrespect her husband, and Ahab perverted his role when he allowed it. Lot's daughters seriously violated the rules of "relationship" when they entered into illegal "sexual relationship" with him. Reuben violated the rules of relationship when he bedded his father's "wife"! We violate the rules of kingdom relationship all day, everyday, when we embrace other "gods', violate the will and commands of God, and abuse and misuse , persecute, disrespect, and malign,our brothers and sisters, and rebel against the "elders/leadership" the Lord has set forth within the Body. There's a reason that the most intimate contact and experience two human beings can have is also referred to as "having relations", or sexual relationship, and that is because it is done within ( or was intended to be), and is the fulfillment of one of God's highest relationships,marriage.Within the current universal covenant of believers, we still speak of "relationship', and "divine connection", as casually as we raise the offering on Sundays, but let us be clear, kingdom relationship is a sacred covenant, because we, through our relationship with/in Christ, are relating to the portion of the Very Christ in one another. There are RULES of governing and handling these relationships, and when one offends, persecutes, mocks, disrespects, rejects, fails to support, exhort, encourage, edify, and love others within the kingdom, we violate the rules of "kingdom-ship", we risk revoking our "ambassadorship"', and we cause these relationships to become dysfunctional and unfit for the kingdom of God and our privileged assignments. Within the realm of this kingdom environment in which we claim, and aspire to, there are certain things that we should be able to expect from each other, whether it be in the arena of "SONSHIP". 'PARENTING', or basic relationship, things that are no more than our reasonable service and what our ABBA FATHER expects from us. At the same time, there are things that should never become a thought in our minds, we should never say,and even more, that we should never do, or witness being done! In true "sonship", there should never be Absalom-David situations, where the son is trying to discredit and "outrun", or overthrow" the "father"! In "fathering/mentoring", there should never be any manipulation, abuse of authority, and perverting of "prophecy" to dominate and control those "sons/daughters who are submitted under a spiritual Father/Mother! There shouldn't be the proliferation of the "Saul/David" syndrome, where the "father" is trying to destroy his "Elisha" because he's maturing and stretching out in the things of God, and is "preachin' the house down", and finding great favor with the people! When we enter into authentic kingdom relationships or "connections", the objective or motives should not be to expand our possibilities for "engagements" or to form some fraternal exclusive conclave, order, or "spiritual posse", but to band together and reinforce one another's vision, mandate, and purpose because our purposes overlap, and we are only as strong, in part, as we are as a whole! Our kingdom relationships should not be such that one will support someone because they see something carnal to be gained, because it will, potentially open other doors for us, we see the potential for financial gain, or the possibility of going up to "the high places"! You breach kingdom manners when you shun the Pastor,leader to the left or right of your house-hold of faith, located on your same block, because they're not as affluent, or on the same socio-economic status, because they differ in worship, in attire, or in the execution of their vision. You breach the rules of kingdom relationship when you only support those who are within your circle! You are in violation of the rules of kingdom relationship when you see a brother overtaken in a fault, and do nothing to restore him! You violate the rules of good manners when you fail to"cover your mouth" and partake in the furtherance of gossip or slander against another kingdom citizen! You gain another "demerit" when you see a co laborer overwhelmed,spiritually 'whipped", and near death, and you just shake your head in pity, and step over them as you go on just "preaching yourself silly"! You despise the "rules" when you take up the offense of another, against someone who's done you no harm and don't even know! You are in grave danger of judgement for violating the rules of mishandling God's son's and daughters through seduction, deceit, lying, spiritual fraud, and malicious gossip or slander. Men of God, you need to take a remedial course in kingdom ethics, if you know you're guilty of prowling for "prey" amongst God's handmaidens! Handmaidens of God, get it together if you know that you are strutting through the kingdom, trying to see whom you can bring down to your bed of whoredom! The rules state that you are obligated to 'walk worthy", "WALK IN THE SPIRIT", "give no appearance of evil", and "possess your body, unto honor"!The rules of kingdom relationship require that if you are going to truly manifest it, " the strong must bear the infirmities of the weak.", "one shouldn't fall for the other", that we "forsake not the "ASSEMBLING TOGETHER", and not just the local assemblies! The "rule" require that we love through 'demonstration", and not just verbalization! The rules require that when we see someone in need, that we don't just send them on their way with a string of emotional (shon-does), but that we do something tangible, as much as we are able. The rules say that we can not have "exclusive" little clubs within the household of faith, where only a select few are welcome, and that there be no favoritism. Much of what we have witnessed as "kingdom ministry" is not even remotely related to the kingdom, but rather the activities of someone's "empire" they've established to self-govern, dictate, administrate, and orchestrate. In empires, there's no theocracy, but the biased doctrine of "men", and the people perish. While we are petitioning the Lord to let His kingdom come on earth,even as it is in heaven, we' d better recognize that with the earthly administration of His kingdom,comes heavenly, divine reckoning and judgement,and that judgement must first begin in His "house/kingdom"! There's a simple method by which you can determine whether or not you're in compliance with kingdom rules.........take a moment and think hard, and ask yourself "WHO IS MY KING?" Tags:Share Twitter
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