Intimidation is one of the weapons the enemy is using to discourage the called of God into retreat. If retreat then the Bible says God has no longer pleasure in us. The devil tries to take the authority that we have in Christ by using intimidation to detrone us from our position in Christ. What is that position? we are seated with Christ above Satan, principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places, meaning at least three levels above demons, (so we should be busy commanding demons to go rather than fighting them!). So if we truly know who we are then the enemy cannot mess with us. The old trick he uses is to use intimidation tactics to convince us that he has authority and when we belive that lie then he truly steals that authority from us and on top of that, uses that against us. He did the same with Adam. Adam was the supreme authority over the earth realm and the devil wanted that authority so he used lies to tempt Eve and Adam gave his authority away. Today we must stand firm in the various level of authority positions Jesus gave us otherwise the devil will robb them from us. If you are a parent then stand as the parent that God has called you to be otherwise you will deliver your children to unknown gods. if the husband then stand in the authority of the husband God has called you into or the devil will come in your marriage and establish his rule, if a minister then stand and believe that you can cast out evil spirit, heal the sicks, etc... False humility is when you know God has clearly called us to carry on a mission and we try to give God the "I am not worthy" speach which is actually desobedience. Do not listen to people that the enemy uses to say that because you are pressing toward God's higher calling on your life, you are arrogant or too proud etc ... it is all about whether you are moving in faith or in flesh. If you are moving in faith then you do not have to appologize just keep pressing. The first thing is to check our faith, do we really believe? or do we just talk and no action? Hebrews 11:6 clearly says that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God, so are we putting our treasure where our heart is? are we having faith trough our actions? talk is cheap but do we really stand when something we really want is clearly against God's will or do we just assume that God will understand? Let's stand like Jesus did in front Pharisees, the highest spiritual authorities of his time and not be intimidated but believe. God's blessing to you.
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