One of the most cunning maneuvers the enemy has utilized to divide, distract, set at odds, and conquer those of the Christian faith, is controversy which evolves into malicious debates and bitter offenses over Biblical principles and doctrines that are not geared toward the edification of the corporate Body of Christ, nor the advancement of the kingdom, but rather, it genders strife, 'isms', and it casts a very contradictory and unflattering light upon the very thing that we have altercations about. No one would believe the vast number of hours, the depths of intelligence', and the waste of energy, "wisdom, and knowledge, spent judging a matter before it is time, criticizing what we don't understand, and attempting to disprove and denounce what we haven't experienced. WE INCLUDE LITTLE DISCOURSES AND AFFIRMATIONS REGARDING GOD'S DIVINE PROVIDENCE AND HIS SOVEREIGNTY, AND WITHIN THE SAME BREATH WE PRESUMPTOUSLY DETERMINE "WHAT "IS" A MOVE OR MANIFESTATION OF GOD, AND WHAT IS NOT, BUT NOT ACCORDING TO BIBLICAL TRUTH, BUT PERSONAL JUDGEMENT, MANIPULATION OR SEPARATION OF SCRIPTURE, AND INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATION! For decades and longer, men have gone back and forth over these doctrinal differences and oppositional beliefs with an amazing amount of effort and determination, without putting even one third of the same effort into evangelizing the heathen lands or petitioning God for the uttermost parts of the earth! Should we mature and grow in grace to a point of being sensitive to, hearing, and taking heed to the "right NOW" voice of God, we would find far less time to devote to these activities. YES, we are advised to be watchmen and to try the spirits in situations, but there are some issues that can and should be handed over to the ultimate "Prover, and the "Righteous Judge", FOR HIM TO RENDER HIS DISPOSITION AND FINAL VERDICT while we search and assess our own selves, to see if WE be in the faith, and while we make passionate intercession on behalf of those things, people, and circumstances that 'grieve" us. We must come to a posture of maturity that won't allow us to use doctrinal, denominational, or theological differences as a cover to be disparaging, carnally critical, prejudiced, destructively critical, self righteous, and lacking in the demonstration of pure agape love, compassion, and an awareness that we are admonished to reverence the anointing in, on, and upon every believers life, to agree quickly with our adversaries, and to win many with kindness, while offending, disrespecting, condemning, persecuting, and judging, based on our own standards of righteousness, no one.It has always been man's Adamic /destructive nature to accuse, judge criticize, indict, sentence, and crucify others, and Adam set it off ,himself, when he accused and quickly threw under the proverbial bus" his own "good thing, Eve. Satan was the original accuser and lying wonder, who wrongly accused God, and men have continued in that same serpentine pattern since that day, even unto this present moment. Christ was often criticized, "called out", falsely accused, castigated, and judged, based on His manifestations of being the "Living Truth/Pure Doctrine, a Miracle Worker, and the Son of God. He faced the tyranny and self righteousness of men for boldly declaring His hidden, PRIESTLY and ROYAL "citizenship", and the fact that He had a "kingdom" somewhere, and a throne with His Name on it!. He was brought up on charges by critical, fault finding, narrow minded men, who may have been "learned" and astute in the letter, which 'killeth", indeed, but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth! He was persecuted and condemned for working the will of the One that sent Him, and for doing the "wrong thing"', or doing it at the "wrong time", "wrong place", or rendering His 'goodness/Godliness" to the 'wrong people"! It was His own disciple who tried to "chastise" Him for allowing a former hooker", or what we so creatively describe as a "ho" in these present times, "minister" to Him, and then be even more bold as to be indignant because Christ did not insist that this handmaiden's humble sacrifice of a few drops of expensive "toilet water" , or eau de parfum, be converted into currency for the "'offering plate"!! He was judged for working the wonders He was sent to perform on the day that He had created for His Ownself,but mere men failed to discern that this was THE CHRIST. He was persecuted, beaten, and ultimately murdered for doing, speaking, teaching/preaching the same "NEW THING" that has been prophesied about way back in the Old Testament, and He's still moving that way today, because He's STILL Omnipotent,, Sovereign, and well able to do "what" He will, "How" He will, "When He will", "Where He will", through "Whom He will", and we should rejoice in it! We risk missing the most tremendous moves of God in all of history, by expecting it to come in a certain place, at a certain time, through a certain person, people, or "Type", of people, when His sovereignty and divine Providence is and always has been, undeniable.Even ,the Christ, was accused of demonstrating His great power through the father of lies", Satan! "And He was casting out a devil, and it was dumb, and it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake, and the people wondered. BUT SOME OF THEM SAID "He casteth out devils through Beelzebub, the chief of the devils." How ignorant and presumptuous can one be, when He can't recognize the "work/ministry" of his own Saviour/Deliverer, because He's in the form of a "Jew" or any other unorthodox, or unacceptable/unexpected form? How often was He called out to be judged for addressing His Heavenly Father, and alluding to His own divine power, royalty, and Sonship? Whom and how many have we wrongly persecuted, ostracized, condemned, rebuked, scorned, and dismissed because they didn't suit or line up with our theology, perception, or personal doctrine/dogma?As we stand on the thresh hold of very sobering times, because, it is of a certainty, that Christ's return is nearly, imminent, in terms or times and seasons, and it would be an absolute lack of wisdom to continue to scrutinize, criticize, refute, condemn and flog those who're trying to be about the business of "occupying", unti He returns, and proclaiming the "good news" of JESUS CHRIST, seeking His face,and being obedient, even in the midst of severe persecution and disparity, while Satan's kingdom is being supportive of each other, not caring who's teaching/preaching "satan, as long as his name is kept out there, and they are gaining new territory by the second! When Peter and the Apostles were apprehended, punished, and the "righteous" council were of a mind to execute them, there was one man filled with wisdom and wise counsel (thank God it only requires a little bit of wisdom!), who rescued them by declaring thus, Then stood there up ONE in the council, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space; and said unto them, "Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do, as touching these men. For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about 400 joined themselves: who was slain, and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought. After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, as many as obeyed him were dispersed. AND NOW I SAY UNTO YOU, "REFRAIN FROM THESE MEN, AND LET THEM ALONE: FOR IF THIS CONSEL OR THIS WORK BE OF "MEN", IT WILL COME TO NOUGHT, BUT IF IT BE OF GOD YE CAN NOT OVERTHROW IT ,LEST HAPLY YE BE FOUND EVEN TO FIGHT AGAINST GOD!" The Bible further declares that every mans work will prove him, and so shall we be judged. God is not that God that will condemn a man for bringing many unto salvation,and redemption, regardless of mans interpretation and disposition, and consequently, we should choose our battles, not wasting time on proving and defending what Christ has justified, and rather, converting that energy into a more profound "prayer power, and a deeper intimacy with your Advocate, and the "Propitiation" of your sins! Man or Woman of God, IF IT BE GOD, you will stand like a tree planted by the rivers of water, long after your persecutors wither like a bush in the desert! IF IT BE GOD, greater signs and wonders will be evidenced through you! If it be God, the very essence, aroma, and scent of God shall always be on, upon, and around you! If it be God, you will thrive, in times of famine, and go from faith to faith and glory to glory! If it be God, your works will speak loudly and clearly, and undeniably, and it shall be irrefutably the "Lord's DOING, and marvelous in their sight, IF IT BE GOD!
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