In times of civil unrest, or threats of enemy invasion, one of the strategies of those appointed to "watch" and defend the walls and chief borders of the city, is to establish "defensed" areas of counter-attack, that are occupied by those trained in military discipline, assault, and deployment. In times of "rumors of wars" or actual enemy fire, "militarized zones' are mapped out. set up, and activated, with full regiments of specifically trained soldiers, to handle ground artillery, airborn attacks, and hospital units to attend to the, inevitable "wounded", and casualties, so thaaat the liberty,safety,and way of life , the people have a right to live, can be maintained and safeguarded. It is not uncommon to see army "tanks", armed foot soldiers, M.A.S.H "tents", and portable "mess halls", because these entities should exist, and be equipped with such sharpness and precision, that at a moment's notice, an actual Army/Military "fort", or installation, can be erected anywhere on the earth, with little or no effort, and be fully operative and functional to handle any "war or combat" related situation, and answer any assault against it with extrme prejudice,and the loss of as few lives as possible.. The fact is, that on a covert level, spiritually, the kingdom dimension,in which the people of God exist in, should NEVER be "DEMILITARIZED", because the Bible is very clear that "Since the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom suffereth violence, but the violent taketh by force", and that satan, consistently, and perpetually, "since babies could crawl", has gone about, to and fro, from one end of the earth to the other, from city to city, home to home, chrch to church,marriage to marriage, vision to vision, seeking whom he might devour, and he's "no ways tired", after all these milleniums!It has always been the downfall of man, to relax his position, and be seduced into a state of "false security" or presumptous or premature victory. Men have also, become cocky and arrogant because it "appears" that they may have won a small "skirmish" or a temporary "battle", while losing sight of the complete war, and so they revert back to a state and existence of "demilitarized zones", and send the "special forces" on vacation, pull back from the "altar", and whereas, during the intensity of the assault, they "pressed in" to deep intercession, sore travail, and calling on "Jesus" for dear life, and maintaining an uninterrupted prayer posture that was so dedicated, that the "altar" became their "other home",but because a slight shift came in the area they were being attacked in, they now, grace the altar in heartfelt intercession, once a week, and submit the "short form" of prayer, if they can get away with it! This is the beginning of a demilitarized zone, and a city without defense, and the enemy knows it, so he only gives the apppearance of having taken an "L", and moved on to less aggressive foes, because he recognizes that as soon as the saints begin to hit the "all you can eat" grazing field consistenly again, he can launch his real attack, and they will be easy to defeat, because nobody's "watching" the city, and everyone is so heavy laden, from satisfying and feeding their flesh, that they can be stampeded over, taken hostage, or executed, without being able to put up much of a fight! This is why we are admonished that "men ought always to watch, and pray without ceasing." Knowing that the enemy has a mind to defeat the Church of Christ, and is willing to sacrifice millions to do it, we should be just as focused, and determined that he won't, and realize that in times of "apparent" peace and rest, our adversary is relentlessly, and ceverly at work,with his own "chiefs of staff", and "war counsels", to advance the battle, renew their artillery and weaponry, and rebrief their "intellingence", and this is why you'll never catch the adversary "slipping", winter, spring, summer, or fall, or day or night!We've been given the privilege, and security of dwelling in "defensed cities", and having angelic hosts occupying the unseen atmosphere around us, but we have also been given the responsibility of maintaining a posture of "readiness", and preparation to shift into battle mode, by the utterance of a single prayer, because we have the Supreme Intelligence and counsel of the Holy Spirit, and the examples of the warring angels, and the battles fought by those who occupy the "Gospel Hall of Fame", like Joshua, Gideon, David, Jehoshaphat, and many others who maintained a "military", and a "militant" posture, through their "praise on demand/command", and their steadfastness in hope, and petitioning God! The only time the children of Israel ever took a "beat down" was when they stepped away from consistency in worshipping, and serving God, which translates into receiving radical "downloads" of militant "aggression" in the spiritual service of God! Many of our churches are failing, and becomin latter day "valleys of dry bones", and "cisterns that can't hold water", because they've fallen into the barren, unproductive existence of "demilitarized zones" that can't fight off the "pigeons" that keep the sidewalks in front of their churches "slippery! We are losing a generation of sons and daughters who are being "picked off"at will, and for sport, by the enemy, because they have to live in, and walk and pass through "demilitarized zones"! We have the saddest numbers amongst the statistics for divorces, as believers in the True and Living God, because we tolerate and are not provoked to spiritual violence" by being victimized by "demilitarized zones! We "rally" without questioin when we are encouraged to "Come, let us rise up and build!", or to "name it and claim it" or " confess it and possess it", but none of these anthems will matter if we don't answer the admonishment to "OCCUPY"(militantly), until He comes! We've been given the weapons of our war-fare, and counselled to "put on the whole armor of God", but hat we are missing is the wisdom to keep one's hands, actively, on those weapons, and to never take off the whole armor, not to "bathe" or even to "sleep", because this is the strategy that guarantees eternal victory, in "military zones", that get it in !Tags:Share
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