In light of the tragic misfortune of the island of Haiti, many are confounded, floored and in dismay. Many others are attempting to explain, justify, make sense of and determine exactly what the God Israel was saying in the face of such mass destruction, which has left a people displaced, vulnerable, and still 'quaking" even though the tremors from this geological disaster have long since abated. How does one even begin to reconcile such a show of power, when there "appears" to be no "mercy", from the Lord God, Jehovah is known to be a God of great mercy? "And many nations shall pass by this city, and they shall say every man to his neighbor, "Wherefore hath the Lord done this unto this great city?" At times it shall be that "Then they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them.", while other times it may be because those who've been engrafted in as branches of righteousness, through covenant relationship, with Jehovah-God, the Only Wise God, Have become so religious and perfected "churchism", they've excluded Him from their assorted church activities, or have completely "forgotten their "First Love"! Yes, He indeed, has demonstrated His tender mercies that are brand new daily, throughout His dealings with men, but He is the same God, Who has always determined that He won't strive with any man always. There's no need to make a judgement upon those who have suffered such severe devastation, but what wisdom would have us to do is to examine ourselves as individuals, local assemblies, communities, regions, and as a nation,because the Lord has always spoken TO a nation, THROUGH a nation. During the tragic hurricane and consequent flood that New Orleans suffered a few years ago, there was a similar reaction across the earth, and many were appalled, heavy spirited and astonished, but when such calamity is unleashed upon a nation or a people, it reveals the advancing, more imminent return of Christ, Who has assured us that He won't strive with any people,land, or nation always, and He also admonished us to watch AND pray, to pray without ceasing, to pray for all men, and to stand upon our watch, and maintain our personal and corporate watches, with all diligence and perseverance. These calamities are not completely hidden from those who are in tune to the Spirit of the Lord, and they never have been. The Bible says that there's very little done in the earth, that He will not first reveal to His servants, the Prophets, or whomever else has nurtured such a rich relationship with Him, that He can trust them with such "inside" information. This has always been the pattern of God, and it has not changed, and we recognize that wherever great devastation manifests, the Lord has quickened someone's spirit to weep between the porch and the altar, to make petitions on the behalf of those in danger of destruction, and to go to them or be "sent , bearing the oracles of the Prince of Peace, but unfortunately, in times of what appears to be peace, the watchmen are found "sleeping", and lulled into a false contentment and security, because the "Destroyer" has sung or whispered unto them a "lullaby".As we stretch forth our hands of mercy to assist the people of Haiti, we should also be assuming a posture of great humility, humbleness, and appreciation that we yet have another chance to render unto the Lord those things that He has always desired and commanded,and we are so well "Bibled" that we are in the perfect position to actively and aggressively evangelize this nation of people who are lost and forsaken, broken, and without direction. We should be gathering around the altar in reverential fear and adoration,asking Him to search us as individuals, churches, and as a nation, if He has any ought with us, and be about the business of getting it right, and coming into the correct alignment of His expectations, and our assigned mandates. When the Lord speaks "through the fire", He's not speaking to .only those in close proximity of being"charred", or the loss of their possessions, but those neighbors next to them, behind them, and sometimes the whole area may be in danger of fire damage from that one situation. Therein lies wisdom, because every nation should be in a posture of examination, because if we know nothing else, we know that the day of the Lord,and His return is far nearer than when we first believed. There's never been a time when destruction has come upon the land, a people, or a person, when some level of warning was not issued, no mater how subtle. "Smoke" may not always be seen right away, and some smokes are odorless, but nevertheless, it's still a forewarning of fire, and it is a noted fact that most fires break out at night, when the house-hold is "sleeping". Wars aren't ignited overnight, weeks or months, and there's always someone with an inkling" or quickening that things are about to escalate out of control, and the Lord loves us so perfectly that He saturates us with fore warnings, admonitions, and rebukes before He determines that His mind is made up and judgement has been set, because He has always desired that none should perish, and all would come unto repentance. "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city and the Lord hath not done it?" Surely the Lord will do nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." Amos 3:6-7When Christ was about to enter into the fulfillment of His manifest purpose,and began His journey to keep His appointment with Calvary, He was accompanied by twelve of the greatest, and most Apostolically powerful and authoritative "intercessors" in history, Prayer warriors who had cast out many a demon, and stood toe-to-toe with agents of satan, almost daily,during most of their tenure walking with Christ. These weren't your average, run of the mill prayer warriors, but these men of God were trained and equipped by the Chief Intercessor, Christ,Himself. As He ascended up to the place of His greatest wrestling, testing, and anguish, He left word with these fellows that they were to "watch/pray" with and for Him, as He prepared to embrace all the suffering, turmoil, and terror of the whole world, and at this one, infinitely historical, monumental,and divinely pivotal moment in time, they failed Him miserably. At a moment in time, when He so selflessly asked something of them,they were caught sleeping! If ever we needed to be quickened and remain "awake",and have our face to the ground,and our ears toward the heavens, it is now. We are a spoiled nation, rich in the Gospel, the word,and in Truth,but slovenly and lazy in our posture of unending intercession, and seeking God's face. .The voice of the Lord is encircling all that He's created, and He's moving "suddenly", but with great force, and many, beyond number. shall continue to be the victims of mass destruction, if we remain distracted by things that re corruptible, and temporal,and are caught sleeping!
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