Blessed by Location!

Watchman what of the night?" Watchman what of the night?" has been the inquiry,and curiosity of the people of God for eons and millenniums,and has come to a point of refinement in this present Church Age, as they run hither and thither in search of the divine utterance and oracles of God. This is especially, seasonally, true as one span of a calendar year transitions into the advent of the next, BUT THANKS BE UNTO GOD THAT, THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT UNDER THE CONSTRAINTS OR LIMITATIONS OF MERE 365 DAY INCREMENTS OF TIME AND CYCLES! There is always an utterance from the Lord for those who've nurtured an intimate relationship with Him,and who are sensitive to every nuance of His divine,sovereign ways, and His movement. God speaks,even through His "silence"! He speaks through creation,and all that He has created,even as He speaks through the elements, the seasons, and what we know as "nature"! Yes, that's Him speaking through,and by, the movement and unction of His Spirit, in and out of the sanctuary, if men have AN EAR TO HEAR WHAT THUS SAITH THE LORD,GOD OF ALL HOPE,AND THE ONLY POTENTATE! God speaks in no greater measure, or with no greater fluency at the advent of the New Year,than He does throughout the year, but there' something about the last six hours of the year that compels the people of God to faithfully gather to worship and listen intently for some directive, exhortation, or "SAYING" from the Lord! Is there a WORD from the Lord? Absolutely, if there be a seasoned, yielded, unbiased ear to hear, as the Spirit of God speaks expressly, the heart and mind of God!We,as theologians, teachers, expositors, and preachers of the Word, have done quite well in introducing and imparting wisdom regarding the "kairos" time of God,but have neglected to do the same, with it's partner, which is"location",and that is a point of truth and principle that we can not afford to neglect, because the two elements go hand in hand. We, as kingdom people must labor to demonstrate integrity in the observance of timeliness, and punctuality, being where we said we'd, be and where we need to be, where we've been assigned to be, doing exactly what we've said "YES!" to. To be one second off in the kairos time of God, can disqualify one from being on the "guest list" of the Lord, to receive the blessing of the blessed place. If one has petitioned the Lord to "stop by",and have an expectation that He will show up, it would be rude, and irreverent for us to not be there,and it would be counter productive,as well, because He may have come, moved, and blessed in that expanse of time that you were absent, and still "on your way to", showing your face in the place. YOU NEVER KEEP A KING WAITING,ESCPECIALLY THE "KING OF KINGS! This place of blessing has a name,and it is called the "PERFECT WILL OF GOD"! WE'VE BEEN WARNED ABOUT BEING IN THE "WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME, but within the kingdom, it's just as bad to be in the "right" place at the "wrong" time! David stated it best when he uttered "Where can I flee from the presence of the Lord, because if I ascend unto the heaven, heaven is His throne, and if I should make my bed "in hell", He's there also! Adam was our first example of being displaced, misplaced, and at the right place at the wrong time. The Bible declares how the Lord confronted Adam's location by asking "Adam,where art thou?" Having an understanding that the Lord is Omnipresent,and Omniscient, "All knowing",and "PRESENT HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME, we know that the question was strictly rhetorical, and in asking, he was calling Adam's attention to the fact that he'd stepped out of the blessed location, which was abiding in His presence day and night, and engaging in uninterrupted fellowship and communion with God, (the right place), to locating himself out of the will of God,and into the presence,and under the influence of Satan. Adam was in the absolute and ultimate "right place", in the garden of Eden, but undeniably, he relocated to the "cursed place", by yielding to temptation, and failing to keep his compass, pointed towards the direction of God's perfect will, and his blessed location. One is likely in the "right place" at the "wrong time", if you find yourself, serving faithfully, in all humility and submission in the household of faith, but under Pastors whose character has not been proven and perfected, who are not nurturers, who don't love the flock of God as Christ did, and in need of deep purging and deliverance from the very things they are trying to direct and instruct others in. It may prove to be the right place and wrong time, because under such leadership, your destiny will most likely be delayed, if not aborted. It might be the "blessed location" for whatever reason, to others but not for you, because the Lord has established and determined another location for you to apprehend your destiny and blessings! Herein lies a Word for someone else, never follow a "revival", a "man", or a "movement, but follow the GLORY! In many marriages, which are honorable to God, far too many people find themselves, yoked to husbands/wives who have not been processed in to being Godly spouses,and had they done so, their circumstances might have unfolded differently, but instead, they move out of season, out of location ( because many marriages are no more than God's permissive will, but not His perfect will), and in the right place (matrimony), but at the wrong time, and likely, with he wrong person! The man who had been infirm for 38 years, and in bondage to his misfortune, set his spiritual compass on the the pool of Bethesda, all those years, and it obviously was a location of blessing for others who were experiencing great miracles,but not for him, until Jesus showed up that final year he made the journey, and had pity and blessed him with the miracle had' been seeking for nearly four decades! The man of God, and great Prophet, Elijah told his protege', Elisha, that if he was in the blessed location when he left this earth realm, that he would receive the double portion of anointing and power that he requested, and Elisha made it his business to follow that glory, and receive his blessings!Many are of a mind to believe that Christ should not have been born in some obscure location and laid in an humble little manger, but the Christ Child, was in exactly the right, true,and blessed location, to begin and seal the beginning of His journey, towards the ultimate redemption of men, and had Mary and Joseph been allowed to check into the Ritz Carlton, or even the local "Motel 6", where they keep the light on for you all night, they would have left behind a paper trail, that would've led King Herod's henchmen, directly to their "suite" or room. Had the Magi, not followed their navigational system, and located the North star,they would have missed the opportunity to be the first to bring gifts to the Newborn King,and carry the testimony of His advent! Someone should be encouraged by this revelation, and know that they should not despise their temporary obscurity, and the fact that they are often ignored, neglected, rejected, ostracized, looked over, ridiculed,and passed over,because there's a guaranteed reversal,if they maintain a posture of brokenness, and humility! They need to know that the Lord is there supervising , and setting up their greatly profound testimony of deliverance and intervention, as He readies them to be propelled to the fore front, endorsed as the head and not the tail, ABOVE ONLY AND NOT BENEATH, and have their feet set upon a rock! Despise not the day of "small things", Beloved! Mary and Martha had to get a revelation of Who Christ really was, and how far reaching His power was/is,,when they accused Him of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time", because they told Him had He been where they were when Lazarus lay dying, he wouldn't have died, but the truth, is He was in the precise "right place"to establish the testimony that He is the Son of God,,and that His Word was SENT to heal our disease. They felt that his location should've been amongst the dying, not realizing that, in their case, He was not sent to manifest as Jehovah-Rap-ha, the Great Physician, but rather as Someone even more stupendous, the RESSURECTION and THE LIFE! When Ruth was blessed, mightily, to receive her husband/kinsman redeemer, Boaz, she wasn't hanging around the local palaces like a "gold digger", but she was discovered on the threshing floor,"occupying" until her change came . Because she received the directive from her mother-in law,regarding where her blessed location was, and didn't hesitate to obey, she found herself elevated and blessed, from her place of utter humility, brokenness, and submission, she received great favor,and the greatest blessing of all, as being in the lineage of Jesus, the Christ he could've resisted, rebelled, and stayed in her location of being husband less, uncovered,and the companion of an old woman,just as many cantankerous, stubborn, foolish, women do, who feel that "A DIVA LIKE THEM", doesn't have to sleep outside on the ground, by some man's smelly feet ! It never occurs to them that the "blessed location" doesn't necessarily "look" like a blessed location, and they risk living out their lives as contrary, miserable spinsters. Ruth didn't have to play the harlot and or approach the man flashing thighs and cleavage, and her humbleness, and surrender worked , marvellously, to her good.No one would've ever believed that Golgotha was the ultimate blessed location,,but it was, because for Christ, it was the location He had already been gravitating towards, to complete His earthly ministry and fulfill the purpose for which He came, and for us, it was here we were afforded a way of escape, and a right to the tree of Life! Who would've imagined that the "PLACE OF SKULLS, would prove to be the blessed place for the malefactor who hung on a cross, and shared the extreme suffering and agony of Christ? This man was a proven sinner and repeat offender, incorrigible,and sentenced to a fate that the had earned, but in that brief encounter with the Lord, in his dying moments, the Lord promised him that "Today, thou halt be with me in Paradise"! Who's to say that this man would've ever received Christ or His kingdom, had he been encountered at some other time,situation,and location? Should Christ crash trough the heavens now, where would your location be? Just as no one would've even thought to chart their course or "GPS" (God's Plan of Salvation) to Calvary, most of us still can't embrace the fact that often, "trouble", and Gethsemane" are the blessed locations, that will compel Christ to hasten to us, and fill us again, with greater measures of His Holy Spirit! Will you be located in the blessed place of His perfect will, or will you be found jockeying for elevation, recognition, and position? Will you be located over on "Compromise Blvd., where you're catering to "numbers", and unwilling to obey God, even if it offends some and compels them to go elsewhere? Will you be found in sin and error, coasting along, because someone has persuaded or convinced you that "God understands ,and knows your heart, with no wisdom to shun hell? When you dial 911 , because of some emergency or crisis, they usually ask "Where's your location,,Ma'am/Sir, but you will never receive the help you need, if you've fallen off the radar, and can't locate your own self! If you are lost, displaced, or unsure of where you are, in God,or in your walk with him, you can begin remapping your destiny, getting back on course, and synchronizing your spiritual navigational systems, with the heart and mind of God, to ALMOST THERE! Where!? THE BLESSED LOCATION! Tags:Share
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  • Lord I need to be in my blessed location.
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