Throughout the corporate Body of Christ, there's a great sighing, waiting, hoping, pressing, and travail to see the Lord's 'goodness", so that we faint not, so that we can apprehend Him for WHOM we were apprehended, and finish our course with joy. From one end of the country to the next, men and women of GOD, who are actively and faithfully laboring in the vineyard are being pressed on every side, and in such a depth of financial lack and drought, that they are experiencing relentless frustration and anguish! There is such an overwhelming manifestation, bombardment, and assault of the "devourer", that some are falling back in their service and committment to labor for the Lord, because the enemy has conviced them that it's not worth it, things will never change, and God couldn't possibly be concerned, when they're facing foreclosures, repossessed vehicles, overdrawn and penalized bank accounts, and bare cupboards. Our adversary is ruthlessly mocking the servants of God, and asking them "Where is your great God now?"., as the servants of the Lord who formerly dwelt in the "wealthy place" and never experienced a day of need or want in their lives, but are now being forced to seek provision from food pantries, and to rely on "Christian charity" just to survive. It is not a question of "WILL GOD?', because we've seen Him move in the eleventh hour many times before and we've watched Him manifest one creative miracle after another, but the dilemma is that we find ourselves in a place "betwixt and between" our last miracle, or blessing, and the one that we need, and are believing God for right now! There's no doubt that God's going to what He said He would do, and up until the pressure of pushing and plowing through this present eleventh hour, we were steadfast in our praise, radical in our prayer and intercession, and assured in our day to day testmonies, but somewhere between the former rain of blessings and the heat of the "right now" barreness and drought, we "slipped" in our posture of a "yet praise", and perpetual worship!We are often so distracted by the great magnitude of our "perfecting" seasons that we forget our mandated posture of standing like a tree planted by the rivers of water, whose leaf shall not wither, and we falter in our posture of determined singleness of vision "looking steadfastly to the hills", and focus. Our posture begins to bend under the weight of those struggles and hard places, of bad healthh reports or brutal assaults on our bodies, minds, marriages, relationships with our children, and extended families! We begin to waver and falter, and miss a step here and there, because the spiritual ambushments blindside us, and throw us off balance. Our posture becomes, somewhat awkward and cumbersome, and we find ourselves in serious danger of "falling", or getting out of "sync" with God, because we've forgotten how to take His yoke upon us, and release "ours" to Him, for His "yoke" is easy, and His burden is light! Our posture of blessed assurance that "JESUS IS MINE", is shaken, and it makes our steps "wobbly" and unsure, and the danger therein, is that, sometimes, when we "fall", we fall on somebody else, or cause them to falter in their posture, because they've been watching our lives, and being strengthened by them. When we shift in our posture, and go from "bended knee", or prostrastion on our faces, and when we stop "lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting", we cause God to shift His posture towards us! He said that "IN OUR WEAKNESS, HIS STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT", and there are some testings that are so severe to us, but they provoke God to shift His posture from being "seated at the right hand of the Father, to standing up to look down through the heavens, to behold us, and to turn to the Father, and turn to the Holy Ghost, and boast on us, and send an immediate answer or provision for our circumstances! When we allow our posture to fall out of proper alignment with our confession of faith, we assume another posture of "curvature of the "spine" which affects our walk, distorts our appearance, and ability to run and not grow weary, and throws us under close scrutiny and contoversy!There are productive solutions and remedies to make sure that our posture remains consistent and pleasing to God, no matter how intense the heat of the fiery furnace, or how grueling and devestating the dynamics of those tribulations may be. There's a reason why, in some seasons, we MUST be "TIED" to the horns of the.altar, so as to not move from our posture of steadfastly interceding and seeking the face of God! There's a reason why having our hearts "circumcised" is not sufficient, but they must also be "anchored", and unmovable, to assure our posture of keeping our minds stayed on Jesus, and the great wonders of His mercies! There is great wisdom in praising God with EXTREME PREJUDICE AND "ON PURPOSE" ZEAL, to firmly establish and ground our yet praise as a habitation for the Lord! There is even greater wisdom in fellowshipping and being edified by others with the same posture as you, or allowing God to sustain you ALONE, to avoid the transfer of unbalanced, and out of alignment postures! David understood this kingdom wisdom well, and he had determined to maintain a "posture of "seeking", and beholding the beauty of the Lord, and a posture of perpetually "INQUIRING IN HIS TEMPLE"! because He proclaimed that " FOR IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE, HE SHALL HIDE ME IN HIS PAVILLION, IN THE SECRET OF HIS TABERNABLE SHALL HE HIDE ME; HE SHALL SET ME UP UPON A ROCK!" He manifested a remarkabkle commitment to believing, and exhorting, and praising God while he was between blessings, and his seasons of great recompense of reward! The Apostle Paul demonstrated a postureof longsuffering, and "hoping against hope", in between seasons of abundance, and abasement, and assumed a posture of being content in whatever state he found himself in!. If your times of testings and provings seem to be ridiculously extended, and appear to have no end in sight, check your posture, because maybe you've begun to "lean" on the arms of flesh, or rely on this world"s system for what you should expect only God, alone, to accomplish for you! Maybe, you're tilted, dangerously, too far back, brcause you're trying to distance yourself from the trouble in your life, hoping that it will "work itself out"!Better yet, you may be stooping or squatting,, about to "go down" under the heaviness of what you're going through, when you really should be stretched out on the altar, or your living room floor! There are times, too, when we're between blessings, that we shift our posture in "giving", because we reason that we "don't have enough to pay this, that, or the other", when you should really assume a more determined posture to sow into God's kingdom, in obedience to His Word! As you reassess your posture, remember the patriarch, David's outstanding posture while betwixt and between, when he said "Even though HE slay ME, yet will I serve/praise him"!Tags: HE, HIDE, SHALLShare< Previous Post
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