PEN fully commit to the Continuous Spiritual Improvement Spiral which is a commitment to honor the Lord Jesus Christ the Head of the Church, in managing personal life the local church. In this way PEN conserves and optimizes the people as well as the leadership’s time, energy, and spiritual giftedness. This stewardship of improvement also leverages individual efforts. That’s why every member of PEN is asked to commit to the Continuous Spiritual Improvement spiral so that PEN can achieve balanced growth and maturity to be counted among the Faithful servant of Jesus Christ. PEN’s Continuous Spiritual Improvement spiral starts with each participant committing to seven types of goals:
(1) continuous self evaluations with daily seeking close communion with God
(2) lifetime goals with daily seeking close communion with God,
(3) yearly goals with daily seeking close communion with God,
(4) quarterly goals with daily seeking close communion with God,
(5) monthly goals with daily seeking close communion with God,
(6) weekly goals with daily seeking close communion with God and
(7) daily goals with daily seeking close communion with God, fully rooted in the Word of God. We repeat “with daily seeking close communion with God” because we do not want members to become little self righteous legalists but letting themselves be led by the Holy Spirit therefore for members meditation and communication with God are part of a daily lifestyle not a goal of life.
These goals must be consistent with the spiritual objectives set by the Word of God for any believer, ministry or local church. These spiritual goals are based on the “burial-death and resurrection” principle, i.e. death to the sinful nature, and new spiritual life through Jesus. Yearly goals are designed to allow participants to reach their lifetime objectives which must be consistent with the will of God. The yearly goals are broken down into quarterly goals and quarterly goals into monthly, monthly into weekly and weekly into daily. The spiritual assessment is designed to review participant’s goals against reality, then design a corrective or sustaining strategy to stay on course. PEN help manage individual goals in addition to her own.
The individual goal management and tracking is voluntary and private. Assessments shall be only taken as tools that should help improve personal and corporate walk of faith, not an end of itself that’s why a daily seeking close communion with God is a requirement as you commit to the Continuous Spiritual Improvement Circle.
Any members or leadership team member who consistently exhibits godly character, is humble and has a servant heart is candidate for promotion.
All PEN leaders must be faithful servants of the people not seeking to be served but to serve believers.
At PEN team ministry is preferred over personalized ministry. This means ministers shall work in one accord and in submission to one another. We seek to make ourselves transparent so that the Lord Jesus can be seen through us.
Promotion means greater responsibility in the new area of spiritual and/or natural giftedness. The continuous assessment records shall be used along the way as base of measurement. However a good report from the elders as well as family members of the individual shall also be used for better assessment of these three standards.